Improved personal relationships
Patients in treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorders that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique showed a significant reduction in family problems after three months, as compared to those receiving psychotherapy treatment, that showed no noticeable change after three months.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985
Reduced Behaviour Problems in School
Adolescent children with high normal systolic blood pressure were randomly assigned to either learn Transcendental Meditation or participate in a health education control group. After four months, the students practicing the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased absenteeism, decreased school rule infractions, and decreased suspension days. Ref.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1: 10, 2003
Prison rehabilitation
Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme were found to have decreased suspicion in comparison to controls.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978
Greater Altruism
Individuals participating in the Transcendental Meditation Programme, in comparison to norms, were found to have a strong concern for the welfare of others.Ref.Western Psychologist 4: 104–111, 1974
Greater Appreciation of Others
University students practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme rated significantly more positively the important people in their lives (parents, spouse) than did control students.Ref.Perceptual and Motor Skills 64: 1003–1012, 1987
Better Relationships
Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme were found to have a decreased tendency to assault in comparison to controls.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978
Improved personal relationships
Inmates in a maximum security prison (for serious criminals) that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique, showed a significant decrease in verbal hostility, as compared to the control group.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978
Improved Social Behaviour in Juvenile Offenders
Young people referred to juvenile court for a legal offense showed a significant improvement in social behaviour, as assessed by parents, after learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 34(8): 4732A, 1974
Increased Tolerance in Secondary School Students
Secondary students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased tolerance after 14 weeks, in contrast to control students.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 38(7): 3372B–3373B, 1978
Improved work and personal relationships among employees
A study among management and employees in the car industry concluded that after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, employees had better work and personal relationships, as compared to control persons in the same work places.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 6: 245–262, 1993
Increased satisfaction in professional and personal life
A study among managers and employees in the automotive industry found that employees after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme had more satisfaction in their personal and professional lives, in comparison to controls in the same work place.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 6: 245–262, 1993
Patients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in family problems in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985
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